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I would like to talk about:

Management of Subsidiaries in Latin America

Administrative Services

Labor consultancy and management for subsidiaries

Legal advice for companies

International taxation

Tax and accounting services

Logistics management

Business Services

Expatriate taxation

Visas or work visa

Outsourcing de personal en Latinoamérica

Strategic consulting

Recruitment and selection of personnel

Human Resources and International Mobility




UR Global

UR Global is an international consulting company with more than 250 professionals on the payroll and more than 20 years of experience in the development and execution of comprehensive internationalization projects, commercial and productive implantations. Throughout its development, it has specialized in comprehensive management of the subsidiaries in Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Chile, Equator, Portugal and Spain. We offer comprehensive solutions and a global perspective of the specific needs in each market for more than 400 companies.

We support during all the implantation process with our professional team, highly qualified in the accounting, legal, tax, labor, administrative and banking business management.

In UR Global, Consulting and Management Company, we also have a legal, labor and tax area, dedicated exclusively to deal with the commercial and labor matters in each country, under the A2 & M Company belonging to the same Group.

We have own facilities in Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Equator, Chile, Portugal and Spain to provide you offices (business center). In Mexico, we have storages with specialist staff in logistics management for the companies that move products.

Frequently asked questions

In UR Global, we are a consulting company that is expert in business management. We are dedicated to manage foreign subsidiaries, mainly those international ones, in which back office is in our charge. Therefore, we achieve that such company is fully dedicated to develop its business and carry out its projects, providing knowledge, security and trust, in addition to ensure compliance with local regulations and reduce possible risks.

Our consulting and management company works with companies from various sectors:

Photovoltaic companies, both developers and their supply chain (construction, engineering, investment funds…). Automotive sector companies, digital marketing agencies, technology-consulting companies, franchise, B2B Industrial Products, online business models, telemedicine, insurance, fintech and sale products in department stores.

We adapt the service to companies operating in the country. We manage their incorporation and set-up, as well as to companies that are already installed in the country, but they want a change because they are not satisfied with their local clearance. Many times, such service does not know the needs of a foreign company, international taxation, the need to have good communication with the parent and the interpretation of operations parent-subsidiary.

In UR Global, we offer a comprehensive business management; we adapt to the companies and provide them the relevant back office. We also serve companies that have internalized any department and require us to carry out reviews, accounting, tax and labor advisory (permanent or temporary), manage their expatriate, audit their accounts, etc.

  • Business audits in Latin America at the accounting, tax and labor level.
  • Compliance audits to reassure companies that comply with local regulations in their subsidiaries. We inform them on risks incurred and find solutions.
  • Due Diligence for the purchase-sale of local companies.
  • We group financial statements of the parent and its subsidiaries in a single report.
  • Transfer pricing studies in the parent and its subsidiaries that support the intercompany operations, in addition to the contracts that support them.
  • We advise on all procedures to be followed when workers are displaced at origin and destination.
  • We offer the option to have personnel on our payroll in a first internationalization phase without having a legal entity in the country. Likewise, for tax and operational reasons, when there is a subsidiary, but the company is interested to have outsourced personnel.
  • Strategic consulting (support to executive committees, advice in conflict resolution and reconciliation between partners, suppliers, clients, etc.

In UR Global, we are a company responsible for the business management, conduct of business consultancies, always adapted to the objectives and needs of our clients.

All what your
company needs

We brought into focus the management and strategic consulting solutions to ensure your business expansion without unnecessary risks.

We help you to grow in your internationalization process:

  • Comprehensive management.
  • Support throughout the implantation process.
  • Own offices in Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Equator, Chile and Peru.

I want you to call me

If you would like to make a query on our business management services, please fill in our query form. This is the fastest way to ask us a question. Many thanks in advance! We assure you an agile response!

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