Joint Commissions in Mexico

Management and prevention of occupational risks

Our department of management and prevention of labor risks offers the service of Mixed Commissions in Mexico, in addition to advice and actions aimed at complying with the different laws and regulations, both federal and state, in labor matters, such as mixed commissions.

These services that we offer in Mexico begin with a diagnosis of the current situation of your company, with the objective of making a proposal adapted to your needs, in order to comply with current legislation.

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UR Global Services in Mexico

The following is a detail of the services we offer you:

revisor fiscal colombia

Joint Commissions

The Mixed Commissions in Mexico comprise three laws whose compliance is verified during an inspection visit by the Secretary of Labor, known as the “Visita de Inspeccion de las Condiciones de Trabajo” (Working Conditions Inspection Visit).

Refers to compliance with:

  • Antiques Box
    • Integration of the commission
    • Elaboration of the antiquities table.
  • Internal Labor Regulations
    • Joint Commission
    • Elaboration of the Internal Work Rules and Regulations
    • Registration with the authority
  • PTU (Employees’ Statutory Profit Sharing)
    • Joint Commission
    • Determination of PTU

Compliance with this law is mandatory for all companies with contracted personnel;

Fines for non-compliance range from $40,000 to $450,000 pesos.

Joint Commission on Training and Development

Management of the necessary actions to comply with the inspection visits on Training, Training and Productivity, which are being carried out by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare:

  • Training and Education
  • Integration of the Joint Commission.
  • Detection of training needs.
  • Preparation of the annual training plan.
  • Management of training courses.

Compliance with this law is mandatory for all companies with contracted personnel.

Fines for violations range from 40,000 to 450,000 pesos.

Joint Commission on Risk Factor Prevention

Joint Commission for the Prevention of Psychosocial Risk Factors, NOM-035-STPS-2018.

Management of the necessary actions to comply with the inspection visit on the Prevention of Psychosocial Risk Factors, which is being carried out by the Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare:

  • Diagnosis and Review of Conditions for the Implementation of NOM- 035-STPS-2018. Mandatory as of October 2019.
  • Second phase- , mandatory as of October 2020

Compliance with this law is mandatory for all companies with temporary workers.

Fines for violations range from 40,000 to 450,000 pesos.

Joint Safety and Hygiene Commission

Joint Safety and Hygiene Commission

Health and Safety: NOM-019 and NOM-030, and the corresponding ones depending on the work center.

Management of the necessary actions to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Inspection visits being carried out by the STPS, as well as to comply with the Civil Protection regulations established by the municipal and state entities:

  • Integration of the Joint Safety and Hygiene Commission
  • Diagnosis of the conditions, characteristics, needs and situation of the work center, to determine the applicable laws and regulations.
  • Elaboration, Implementation and Development of Preventive Health and Safety Services.

This law is mandatory for all companies with a work center.

Fines for violations range from 40,000 to 450,000 pesos. And even in severe cases, it can lead to the suspension of activities.

Frequently asked questions about Joint Commissions in Mexico

The Mixed Commissions in Mexico are a group of people who have been elected through a democratic process by the company’s employers and workers. They delegate powers and responsibilities to them to know, prevent or resolve conflicts that occur in the internal part of the company and are derived from labor relations. They will also be able to suggest and carry out projects to conserve workers and employers, offer them security and achieve a harmonious balance between them.

The Joint Commissions established as mandatory by the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and the Federal Labor Law are: The Joint Commission for safety and hygiene, the Joint Commission for training, training and productivity, the Commission for the determination of the workers’ participation in the company’s profits, the commission to form the general seniority table and the commission for the integration of the internal work regulations.


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