Occupational Health and Safety Management System in Colombia

At UR Global we work to help companies in Colombia to prevent injuries and illnesses caused by poor working conditions, as well as to protect the integrity of its workers that is why we manage Occupational Health and Safety.

Our extensive experience makes our clients grateful for the business services we provide in the different countries of Latin America and they place total trust in our team of professionals in subsidiary management.

What is the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in Colombia?

The Occupational Safety and Health Management System is the process to prevent injuries and illnesses caused by working conditions, as well as to protect the integrity of workers in companies and subsidiaries in Colombia.

Thanks to these procedures, the number of accidents can be significantly reduced.

The management of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System has as aim to improve working conditions, the work environment and the health of employees, improving their physical, mental and social well-being.

How can we help you?

If you would like to make an inquiry about our business management services, please fill out the inquiry form.

When is it obligatory to apply the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in Colombia?

The article 2 of Resolution 0312 of 2019 regulates the Occupational Health and Safety Management System establishes which persons, whether individuals or legal entities, are obliged to implement the OHSMS.

This includes commercial companies that have an employment relationship. In such a way that when a natural or legal person has hired only one worker, the obligation to implement is already born.

Global UR process to implement the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in Colombia

We follow a rigorous and continuous process to implement the Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Every employee of the company must participate in the activities, procedures and programs that are developed for its successful achievement:

  • First of all, we carry out a situation diagnosis, from which we determine the risks incurred by the workers and the objectives of the analysis.
  • We then draw up an annually revisable work plan and a training plan.
  • Finally, an accident report is made, in addition to acquiring or contracting services to improve performance and make a plan for future preventive actions.

Importance of Health and Safety at Work

At UR Global, we have developed a logical, step-by-step process, based on continuous improvement, to recognize, assess, anticipate and control risks that may affect employee integrity.

This process is not done in a single moment, but implies the development of continuous improvement activities based on the PHVA (plan, do, check and act) cycle model.


For any information you can contact us through the following form

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